Recommended reads: oouch

Mirai Mirai was a very simple box(one of the easiest on htb so the writeup wont be too in depth) which involved reasearching to find creds and using ssh to gain user, then simply enumerating the f...

Blue Blue was a very simple easy windows box that involved an nmap scan which led us to a metasploit module and then use that to read the flags. Skills involved in this box: enumeration...

Netmon Netmon was an easy windows machine that required access to ftp for the user flag making user super easy, root required a bit of enumeration of files on the system to find credentials for th...

Legacy legacy was a really easy windows box that didnt involve much to do at all just simply a metasploit exploit for root skills involved in this box enumeration metasploit US...

FROLIC frolic was a great box that involved a decent amount of binary exploitation(im not the best at this so if you want a more in depth explanantion i suggest looking at other writeups, im just d...

DevOops skills this box involved: enumeration git command use XXE file read USER After carrying out our nmap scan we procede to the web browser to open up the http service and run a...

Ariekei Ariekei was an insane linux box that required getting out of 3 different docker containers and overall as a box was mainly docker features, including the priv esc. It required a bit of enu...